Tips to help local businesses grown their companies through the right marketing campaigns

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Facebook Released Timeline For Business Pages Today!

Top Highlights of the Facebook Timeline for Business Pages:

Cover Photo: here is your billboard. Use the photo (851 x  315px) to engage users and present images with which they will positively respond

Pinned Posts: You can choose a post to be listed at the top of your timeline for up to 7 days. Use this post to express your weekly specials, your unique selling proposition, etc. Make it interesting.

Photos and Videos: These are now more prominent than the standard profile photos. Photos and Videos increase engagement among readers, so make them interesting and relevant to your audience.

Milestones: Create full width posts (photos can be 843 x 403px) for important events, achievements, and happenings in your business. Did you win an award, honor your 1,000th customer, open a new location? Create a milestone for it.

Apps: Page width for Apps can now be adjusted between the standard 520px to the expanded 810px.