Tips to help local businesses grown their companies through the right marketing campaigns

Friday, March 4, 2011


Nothing has been bigger recently then the rise of social media. Social media can offer many benefits for small business owners, anything from brand awareness to customer engagement just to name a couple. One of the most important things your taught no matter what your are selling is to engage the customer in conversation, rather then trying to just quickly sell them your services. Social sites like Facebook & Twitter are great avenues to engage potential Customers. Over sometime they get to know you, feel comfortable with you and when the time is right and the need for the type of service you are selling comes along you can bet that they will buy from you before they buy from someone who is selling the samething but they have no relationship with.

You also have the great advantage of the credibility factor, people hearing about your business through family and friends.  I watch this first hand everyday. I run social media campaigns for several companies, my client Hair By Marissa is a great example. When I  started her facebook  fan page Besides getting her fans up to 150 in the first week, she also got 4 new clients that week and with in the first 5 weeks had close to 30 new client. Her page is being followed by close to 300 people now. When one women posted a comment about how great her hair came out one of her friends booked an appointment the next week. These types of comments are left on company fan pages all the time.  You can't get this type of daily feedback about you business with and Ad in the yellowbook or pennysaver.

In a report on why social media is worthy of a small business owners time, Business-week's Steve McKee notes the ability of the web to "level the playing field" between large and small businesses. Social media has taken off, he says, and it shows no sign of slowing down.

Jay H


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Marketing Consultant Wilmslow said...

This is really interesting, because business has been so poor recently, we've been thinking of setting up a website and trying to create a bit of an online presence. The plan is it could generate a bit more interest to help us through this recession. I appreciate the advice with social media and I'll definitely take it on board.